Email Best Practices to Keep Your Office Secure

Businesses are constantly targeted by cyber attackers using malicious emails to gain access to their systems. Ransomware in particular poses an enormous threat to organizations, becoming by far the most common form of malware today. Cyber attackers use it to lock down an unsuspecting recipient’s files and deny access to infected data until the victim pays a ransom. As an added bonus, ransomware has evolved to enable criminals to steal personal or financial information from the victim’s system as well, increasing the impact of an infection.

So, how can you ensure email security to protect yourself?

As humans are the weakest link in any company’s security, the first step to protecting itself is through education. Keep up-to-date on the latest cybersecurity trends and inform staff members of the various types of threats out there today. Stress how serious these threats are to your team, that they can and will likely be exposed to them, and how they can avoid falling prey to them.

The best way for users to protect themselves is by exercising caution in their email inbox. Never, ever, open an attachment or click on a link in an email from someone you don’t know, especially if it seems out of context. If you’re suspicious, contact your IT department before proceeding.

In addition, hackers are adept at spoofing who an email is coming from, making them appear to be sent by someone you know. If someone asks you to provide sensitive information via email, do not trust them. Verify their request by telephone or another form of communication before providing this information.

Perhaps the most effective defense against threats such as ransomware is to frequently back up your data. Even if a business does pay the ransom, there is no guarantee that the hackers will release the files being held hostage. By consistently backing up your data, you can avoid paying the ransom by simply restoring your files.

Hackers are skilled and shrewd enough to bypass SPAM filters and email security. Don’t let them lull you into a false sense of security that leaves you and your business vulnerable. Contact Infomax today to learn more about email best practices and our dedicated security solutions.