Stop the Paper Pile-up by Automating Document Workflow

The lifecycle of any document is dynamic and constantly changing. Sometimes, documents that have run their course remain in our physical and electronic folders for years or even decades, cluttering our offices and hard drives. But when it comes time to find the document you’re looking for, it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, a document management solution can fix these all-too-common document problems. Document management can help you manage your documents more efficiently and fill the holes in your workflow processes, so that you and your workers can focus on more important tasks.

Electronic document management can improve the daily operations in your office and help clean up your business. Here are several benefits to document management.

  • Moving documents: Are you done with a document? Automatically and seamlessly move the document from one location to another without any hassle whatsoever. Now, your documents can be transferred anywhere within a network for ease of use and workflow efficiency. And you’ll also be able to easily search for and retrieve the document later on when you need it.
  • Control: With document management, you can be notified by email when someone opens, moves, or modifies any document. Whether the change is major or minor, you can be privy to every step along the way. In other words, you can track projects from start to finish every time and keep control of your documents—from start to finish.
  • Streamlining: Document management can streamline your workflow processes, by automating your needs. Using rules-based routing systems, your documents are passed through the proper chain of command, and projects are completed with fewer steps.
  • Saving time: Saving time means saving money. With document management, your business will reduce paper waste, resulting in savings, as well as helping the environment.
  • Customization: Digital workflows can automate tasks for you, so that you can focus on other objectives. Computer-aided work models can complete certain repetitive tasks quickly. They also remove human error, so the quality of the work improves, as well.
  • Ease of use: Document management systems are designed with easy of use in mind. They don’t add steps to your document and workflow processes, they remove some. User-friendly interfaces allow for seamless integration into your business processes. And, you won’t be stuck writing code or getting caught up in the technical side of things. Instead, you can quickly and easily customize your document management to best fit your needs.

To learn more about how document management can revolutionize your workflow, contact Infomax today.