
How to Get Started On A Preventive Maintenance Schedule

Your organization relies heavily on its office equipment to carry out important tasks on a daily basis. You can’t afford to have unexpected breakdowns with these valuable devices. This is why a preventive maintenance schedule is so important to implement.

A preventive maintenance schedule will ensure that your devices receive regular maintenance to keep them up and running without any costly disturbances. Let’s take a look at a few tips to help you get your preventive maintenance schedule started today.

  • Make an inventory list. Take a walk through your office and make note of all of your equipment. Once you establish this list, you can decide which devices need to be included on your preventive maintenance schedule.
  • Read through your owner manuals. This will help you understand what kind of maintenance each individual piece of equipment will need. You will also get a good understanding of the timing that is relevant to checking up on each device. If this seems like a daunting task, ask your service provider to break down your devices’ maintenance needs for you.
  • Check the current status of each device. Now that you assigned devices to your preventive maintenance schedule, you need to know the current state of each device and how these devices match up to the manufacturers’ recommendations in the owner manuals. You should also get all of your equipment into decent shape before it goes on your schedule. This evaluation step will help you understand what will be needed to keep your equipment running smoothly as you move forward.
  • Plan out your schedule. You should first map out a long-term schedule for the year, followed up by the planning of a short-term schedule by week. The long-term plan will give you a good overview of everything that needs to be done to keep your devices up-to-date—this schedule will likely be revised along the way as you go. The short-term schedule will keep these tasks on track relevant to the most recent needs of each device.
  • Get the right people on board—and start training! It takes a lot of hard work to design a preventive maintenance schedule. For this reason, make sure that you utilize trained professionals to safely carry out these maintenance jobs. A thorough, effective training program is essential to the success of a preventive maintenance schedule.


A preventive maintenance schedule will save you from equipment downtime headaches in the future. To help get you started with your preventive maintenance schedule, contact Infomax today.